Equity trust is New Zealand corporateprovider which specializes in trusts and zero tax vehicles we also advise on second passports, international bank accounts, international property investments and storage of gold and silver both in New Zealand and internationally, we have agents in Belize, Panama, Malta, Cook Islands.
Properly established New Zealand structures are 100% tax free and have the following advantages for Chinese investors:
If the Chinese investor is a non resident of New Zealand they can establish a non resident trust which is able to own property, shares and receive income worldwide whilst being 100% tax free. The trust also provides protection against creditors so that any creditor cannot attack the trust assets as it has some of the strongest asset protection laws on earth. This structure is popular for protecting family wealth for generations.
Other tax free structures include the look through company and the limited partnership which is a partnership of foreign companies managed in New Zealand and therefore able to act as a venture capital fund or investment fund.
New Zealand registration is fast and it has strict privacy laws which means that information about beneficial owners can be protected.