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European Union Harmonised Alternative Investment Funds as Corporate Structuring Vehicles

European Union Harmonised Alternative Investment Funds as Corporate Structuring Vehicles With the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD), the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union (EU) have harmonised the regulatory framework for Alternative Investment Funds (AIF).  The Principality of Liechtenstein as a member of the European Economic Area (EEA) participates in the EU’s internal market and adopts most EU legislation concerning the single market.  Liechtenstein’s adoption of the AIFMD entered into force as from July2, 2013 and the inclusion of the AIFMD in the EEA Agreement opened the EU for potential marketing of Liechtenstein AIFs on September...

From blind aggressiveness to rational balance – Family foundations pass wealth down from generation to generation

General Manager, Galaxy Treasure International Wealth Management Limited Galaxy Treasure International Wealth Management is a financial service provider based in Hong Kong. It is a subsidiary of Great Treasure International Inc. Limited Galaxy Treasure International Wealth Management offers advice and services for the domestic market related to overseas investment, immigration by investment for high net-worth clients, wealth management products in relation to their children’s overseas education, setting up investment funds or trusts for investing in Hong Kong insurance, and other wealth management products connected to global asset allocation. From blind aggressiveness to rational balance – Family foundations pass wealth down from generation to...

Preparation of Overseas Funds for Cross-Border Investment

I. Types of Cross-Border Investment Funds Overseas funds for cross-border investment can be divided according to different classification criteria. From the perspective of operational methods, they can be divided into closed-end funds, open-end funds and hybrid funds; from the perspective of investment carriers, they can be divided into corporate funds, partnership funds and contract funds; from the perspective of structural design, they can be divided into single funds, parallel funds, and mother-and-child funds; from the perspective of regulation, they can be divided into regulated funds and unregulated funds. In China, all kinds of funds are supervised and managed by laws,...

Company Formation

Offshore company formation has long been a comprehensive solution for wealthy people around the globe to exercise financial prudence, ease their tax burden, and secure legal protection for their assets in an unpredictable world. It is inevitable that China's wealthy - who are multiplying more quickly than in any other nation - are progressively following suit. Easing their tax burden is only one of a handful of key motivators for Chinese corporations and high net worth individuals taking steps to incorporate a company offshore. Aside from the asset protection gained through offshore company formation, experts say that "capital freedom" is...