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Interview - Singapore Overview

Q:Compared with other jurisdictions, what is unique in your jurisdiction? Why should people put money there?

A: Ranked as the world's easiest place to do business and the most competitive Asian economy, Singapore has world-class business and banking infrastructure. Tax system is territorial and the rates are low with attractive tax incentives and exemptions for business to operate.

Q:What are the most popular financial services in your jurisdiction? How can they protect the interests of investors?

A:The only Asian country with "AAA: rating, with world's top banks and financial institutions establishing their presence here, Singapore is an international financial centre.

Q:What kinds of professional financial services (trust & foundation/corporate structure) can your jurisdiction provide?

A:Commercial banks, Merchant Banks, Capital markets intermediaries, Insurance, Financial advisers, Finance companies, Trust companies and Money-changing and remittance businesses

Q: Who are your existing clients from China? What potential clients do you want to attract from China?

A:We would like to attract High Net Worth Clients from China and to work with established professional service providers like the law firms, accounting firms, trusts, tax advisory firms and asset management firms or fund management firms.