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Q: Compared with other jurisdictions, what is unique in your jurisdiction? Under the current economic scenario, why should people put money there?

A: Situated in the Indian Ocean region, it offers an open and financially sound economy, located between Asia and Africa, and the success of its economy is largely a result of its political and socio-economic stability.

Q: What are the most popular financial products in your jurisdiction? How can they protect the interests of investors?
A:Category 1 Global Business License (GBC1); Category 2 Global Business License (GBC2); Global Funds; Limited Partnership:

Q:What kinds of professional financial services (trust & foundation/corporate structure) can your jurisdiction provide? What are your existing clients from China? What potential clients do you want to attract from China and how?
A:Trusts: Mauritian legislation allows for the creation of various types of Trusts, including fixed, discretionary, protective, purpose and charitable trusts.
Foundations: A Foundation is in many respects similar to corporate entities but afford the protection and continuity derived from the use of trusts.