What makes your jurisdiction different from other competitors forChinese investors?
As a common law country within the EU, the UK combines a reliable andefficient legal system with the benefits of EU membership such as theparent/subsidiary directive. UK companies are highly regarded around theworld. The UK has exceptional law and precedent relating to trusts.
What is the general taxation rate for incorporating companies in yourjurisdiction?
The main rate of corporation tax is one of the lowest rates within theEuropean Union at 21%, dropping to 20% in 2015. There is no withholding taxon outbound foreign dividend payments and there is an exemption provisionfor capital gains tax.
Can the regulatory authority request information about the company andofficers or account details from your jurisdictions?
Details of directors and shareholders are filed at the Companies Registrytogether with the annual accounts. Transparency has, for over 150 years,been key to the success and stability of the UK corporate governance regimeand the UK leads the way on global initiatives on transparency
What are the fees associated with company incorporation and how longdoes it normally take?
Costs to incorporate UK companies are nominal, typical fees from areputable and regulated trust company will be in the region of £150.00.
Unlike many other EU countries, there are no capitalization requirements.
Companies are typically incorporated within a day.
Source: Jordans Trust Company Limited