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Bermuda To Offer Expats Pathways To Residency

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Bermuda's Government has announced that it will introduce new pathways for expats to receive permanent residency and Bermuda status.

The changes will be included in the Bermuda Immigration and Protection Amendment Act 2016, which is to be tabled in the House of Assembly in the coming weeks.

Bermuda is one of only a few places in the world that does not allow expats to obtain such status other than through marriage.

Speaking on the subject, Bermuda's Home Affairs Minister, Martin Fahy, highlighted that many other small jurisdictions also provide such pathways: Anguilla allows for permanent residency after seven years and "belonger" status after 15 years, the Falklands allow for "belonger" status after seven years, and the British Virgin Islands allow for "belonger" status after 21 years. Other small island and Caribbean jurisdictions allow for citizenship from as little as five years to as many as 25, with most averaging in the 8- to 10-year range, he said.

It is proposed that any person who is ordinarily resident in Bermuda for 15 years will be eligible to apply for permanent residency. In addition, such a person will need to be resident in Bermuda for two years immediately prior to his or her application and must have been a person of good conduct and character throughout the period of residency in Bermuda.

Also, it is proposed that any person who was born in Bermuda, or who arrived before his or her 16th birthday, will be eligible for permanent residency after 10 years of ordinary residency in Bermuda upon reaching their 18th birthday. In addition, such a person will need to be resident in Bermuda for two years immediately prior to his or her application and must have been a person of good conduct and character throughout the period of residency in Bermuda.

Last, it is proposed that any person who has a "Bermuda close family connection" will be eligible for permanent residency after 10 years of ordinary residency in Bermuda upon reaching their 18th birthday, providing they fulfill several conditions, the Minister explained.

By Courtesy of Lowtax.net