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1) What are the advantages of Canada EPCs for Chinese businessmen? Canada EPCs (Extra Provincial Corporations) are genuine Canada companies. However, profits generated by EPCs are not subject to Corporate Income Tax in Canada, if EPCs are not trading with Canada residents / Canada companies. Canada is not internationally recognized as a low-tax jurisdiction. Youwill enjoy benefits of international business through a Canada company - a positively acclaimed jurisdiction - and no tax payable to Canada. 2) What are the requirements for EPC company formation in Canada? Canada EPC requires at least one natural person Director. Canada EPC must have...

Overview - Malta

Malta registered or resident companies are subject to a 35% tax rate. Shareholders of Malta companies may however, upon a dividend distribution, claim a refund equivalent to 6/7ths of the income tax paid by the Malta Company in Malta, with a net effective tax rate of 5%.  Furthermore, by investing at least 100,000 euros by way of fully paid up share capital which may not be redeemed, reduced or transferred to a third party during the first two years one can obtain an employment license and the right to reside in Malta during the period of employment. Moreover relief from...

Interview - Austria Company Formation

Austria, a Member State of the European Union, offers perfect access to the European Market and gives direct access to all EU Directives. Austria has a tax treaty with China since 1992 and with Hong Kong since 2011.Holding shares in an Austrian company does not trigger CFC-legislation in China and Austrian based companies have access to currently 90 tax treaties Austria has signed with other countries and have access to 59 Investment Protection Treaties signed with other countries. Furthermore, domestic Austrian tax legislation foresees significant tax exemptions for foreign source income and offers additional tax benefits. What types of companies...

Interview - Labuan Company Formation

What are the advantages of the jurisdiction for Chinese investors? What makes Labuan different from other jurisdictions for Chinese investors? Labuan is part of Malaysia and therefore closer than many other jurisdictions. It is in the same time zone, has many native Chinese speakers and is part of a larger economy. It also has tax treaties withChina, Hong Kong and Taiwan. What types of companies can be opened? The preferred company type is a company limited by shares, the Labuan Company. Protected Cell Companies, Limited Partnerships, Foundations and Trusts are also provided for. What are the requirements for company formation...

Overview - New Zealand

New Zealand has significant advantages for investors from mainland China and Hong Kong requiring state of the art asset protection and investment vehicles. New Zealand is not blacklisted and is considered the least corrupt jurisdiction in the world with one of the top professional wealth management industriesas well as havinga friendly migration policy.  Equity trust is New Zealand corporateprovider which specializes in trusts and zero tax vehicles we also advise on second passports, international bank accounts, international property investments and storage of gold and silver both in New Zealand and internationally, we have agents in Belize, Panama, Malta, Cook Islands....


A Singapore company has an excellent international reputation. It is a legitimate corporate vehicle domiciled in a reputable, politically stable international trading jurisdiction with world-class infrastructure and status as global financial centre. Its strategically advantageous geographical position allows it to be Asia most popular business destination and one of the world top transportation hubs with thebusiest port in the world.As one of Asia economic igers Singapore is often seen as accessible by Chinese and Indian businesses. Three out of five international corporations would choose Singapore to set up their headquarters. What types of companies can be opened? Private Company, Exempt...

Economic Substance in International Tax Planning

The OutlineAs a result of the rapid change in tax legislation, the criminalization of aggressive tax planning strategies and the increasing pressure exercised by revenue authorities globally, international tax planning is not as straightforward as it used to be. Hence, a proper and conservative tax strategy is essential for the survival of any company. Economic Rationale of Tax Planning StrategiesTax authorities around the globe (OECD member states as well as the so-called BRICS countries) are increasingly looking further than at the place where central management and control are exercised. They search thoroughly for the economic rationale (often also referred to...

Interview - Isle of Man Company Formation

What are the advantages of the jurisdiction for Chinese investors? IOM has a first-class reputation as a well regulated international finance sector, particularly suited for investments into London and elsewhere in the UK or the EU from China.IOM Companies have had considerable use as vehicles for IPOs, listing on the FTSE main market and AIM, and can also be listed on the HKSE. Companies can hold accounts in any currency. The IOM can be utilised as a gateway to the European Union for trading purposes, and is often the most efficient way of bringing goods into the EU from China....